Game Curator

Kbiri Mohamed
Verfier Icon
Birthday - 02/02/1986
Mohamed Kbiri is a Moroccan digital software engineer born in 1986, with extensive experience in application, game, and website development. Thanks to his strong background in software engineering, Mohamed has successfully founded and managed Frivls Games, where he serves as the CEO. Mohamed is passionate about strategy games, with his favorite games including open-ended puzzles with complex systems and multiple solutions. Since 2023, Mohamed has been sharing his expertise in the gaming world through Frivls Games, always striving to help players discover the best games that stimulate their thinking. Outside of his work, Mohamed enjoys his leisure time by playing exciting games such as board games, adventures, as well as games on Nintendo, Xbox, and PC platforms. With his clear vision and deep expertise, Mohamed adds value to the gaming community, delivering enjoyable and engaging gaming experiences to audiences.


Master (Lv.9)

This player have exceeded 48000 xp

34.5% Complete

Games Reviewed By Kbiri Mohamed


"nice game i love it <3 "
2023-12-12 00:12:48 (Game id 1202)
"tooop game <3 "
2023-10-17 21:24:36 (Game id 596)
"i love Roblox game "
2023-10-17 02:15:23 (Game id 592)